Wednesday, February 15, 2012

我们今天reviewed all the songs we learned. 你们唱得很好。我们也学了14课的生词和课文。你们的作业是:create a Birthday Invitation Card. Be creative in the format and decorations, but I need the following points (5 Ws) to be included:
1. What 什么
2。When  什么时候?
3。 Who  谁
4。 Why 为什么
5。 Where? 在哪儿?


Friday, February 3, 2012

你们今天的presentation做得很好。没做的学生请快点儿做完。我们的听写是: 6-11。 还有,很多学生没有交 Q1 and Q2 作业的请做完。


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

我们学了13课。 There are a lot of new and interesting vocabularies in this lesson, so we are going to be project: 你要画一个人,或者用ppt slide to create a set of images. 你要用很多的颜色,as many as possible; 她(他)要穿很多的衣服, or wear 很多的 accessories. 你要mark it up with Chinese characters for each item you puts on. We shall count them and see which one the Best Dressed Award.

这是“小白兔乖乖” link