Friday, December 14, 2012

我们今天练习怎么说时间( shi jian= time). 你们的作业是: dictation 11-16. Worbook Q 4。 我们今天也学了一首歌( one song),叫 月亮代表我的心。 Here is the link. Please continue to get familiar with it.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

我们今天做了14课的练习。我们也看了12个生肖的故事。 你们的作业是: dictation: 6-10; Workbook Q 1 and Q2.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

我们今天考试了。你们都考得很好。我们星期四要有一个party.我们一起做饺子( dumpling). 你们可以bring snacks, desserts share with our class.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

我们今天做了很多练习on 13课。你们要好好复习, 我们下个星期 二考试。

我们也学了 Jingel Bell的歌。你们要多唱几遍,能记住 sing without holding the paper.


Monday, November 26, 2012

今天我们练习了很多。你们学了怎么说:————你做什么了?   "We reviewed what we have learned by doing 6 interviews with each other. 你们都做得很好。

今天的作业是:practice and record Core Vocabulary and Text in Use on my google voice 315-400-1674.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

我们今天学习了13课,也看了Muzzy. 你们的作业是:
1。 学习生次:3, 6, 8, 11, 12。
2。 Workbook Q 3, on page 61.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

我们今天学了很多的body parts words. 我们也玩了game with them. 我们下个星期学13课。你们的作业是: draw a portrait, and put on as many as clothing and accessories on it. lable them with colors. You only need to do it in Pinyin for now.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

我们今天复习( review)了第 12课。 你们 will have a test on Monday, so please come back fully prepared.


Friday, October 12, 2012

我们今天学了第12课,练习了12-6。  你们的作业是:
 给我的google voice 打电话,and do the following two parts:
1/ Record the Language in Use portion.
2. Parafrasease / retell the dialogue in a story/narrative form.  This is very hard if you do it on the spot while on the phone. So, please make sure you practice several time before you make the phone call.
3. 听写:16-20。

Good luck!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dear parents,

Welcome to US Program Night! 

I will explain in more detail about what is going on in Chinese class and some of the exciting opportunities for you children. Now, I am just sharing the links here so that you can look into them to see if you and your children might be interested:

1. National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y):
   Program introduction:  Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affair, NSLI-Y
2. Application and Eligibility:  Apply
3. Confucius Institute: China Bridge Confucius Institute Summer Camp
4. StarTalk:  Startalk 2012 for students.
5. 2011 MPH NSLI-Y trip

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

我们练习了12课。 你们今天的作业是:
1。 读(read)课本 P. 192 的 grammar note.
2.  做 Workbook, Q III.
3. study dictation on vocab 11-15


Monday, October 1, 2012

我们学了12课。 我们星期三没有课。你们的作业是: Workbook, Q 1 and Q 2. Dictation: 6-10.



Thursday, September 27, 2012

我们学了第12课。我们学了生词, 也读了( du = read)课文。你们今天的作业是:
1。练习生字。 我们要听写1-5 on the vocab list.
2. listen to the Language in use and the vocabulary list twice on the website. Please make sure you read after it to get your pronunciation right.


Monday, September 24, 2012

We had a practice test for Lesson 11. Please finish it up if you are not done and get yourself familiarized with the text.  Next week, we will start Lesson 12 on the new book. Please make sure you bring in the text book and workbook to class.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

我们今天学完了第11课。我们练习了“还是“, 也练习了书上的11--5, 11-6, 11-7, 11-8。  你们的作业是:
Call my Googlemail at 315-400-1675 using either cell phone or home phone. Please record clearly the Text in Use portion on page 174.  Before you do that, you can practice several times so that you are more confident about the pronunciation and speed.  Then you are going to record the situation exercises we did during our class. You don't need to differentiate about roles, just record with your own voices  as if you are acting out for several people.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

我们继续(jixu=continue)学了 11课的生词。 We also reviewed the homework since 它很难。你们的作业是:Workbook Q 3 and Q 4. If you turned in the section B part of Q 2, then you can come in to my room to get the page back.

Please feel free to come to see me if you have any questions.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

我们今天学了11课的课文。我们学了 “还是“, “ 你 想 + verb+ 什么?“ sentence pattern.  今天的作业是:Workbook Q 1 and Q2.

如果你有什么问题,请email 我。


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

我们今天学了11课。 你们的作业是:type out 生词的汉字 ( han zi= Chinese character) 和英文。你们也要听(listen) Text in Use 两遍。


Friday, September 7, 2012

我们今天 fuxi = review 了 Chinese 1 的课。你们都很好。 你们今天的功课是: preview Lesson 11. Make sure you understand the text in use. It is helpful to go over the vocabulary list first so that you can know some of the new words.



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome back! I am so happy to see all of you. I am looking forward to a great year with you. Please bookmark this page and check it often for reviews and assignments.  再见!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

我们今天复习了16课。 你们要做完review test. 我们22号考试。

Thursday, May 10, 2012

我们今天练习了第16课的生词和课文。我们的作业是:听写 7-12, and Textbook  Page 271, 16-9, write out complete sentences in Chinese characters.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

我们今天练习了our sentence pattern:S+V+O+V+得+adj or adv or question.

我们下次听写1-6,作业是 Workbook, Q 1 and Q 2

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

我们考完了15课,今天我们学了一首歌: 浪花一朵朵。  还有 Richie Ren 的version  .你们要好好学。


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It is nice to see you after a long break! 
我们学了一首新歌 ( a new song), please take some time to go over it. Also, please review Lesson 15 as we will be having a test on Friday on this chapter.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

We did more practice with directional words and sentence structures on expressing positions. 很难,可是你们都明白了!!! 今天的作业是: 听写11-15。 Then 你们要draw a floor plan about your house using the vocabularies we have just learned. Please bring your drawing to the class next week so that you can present it in front of the class. Feel free to use either cardboard or digital file to describe your house. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

我们几天学了15课的生词和课文。你们的作业是: 听写1-5。听课文( Text in Use)和 生词( Core  Vocabulary)  两遍。  谢谢


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

我们今天做了14课的练习,14-4, 14-6, 14-7 and the Supplementary Reading on Page 233. Please follow up if you are not in class today.Also, for all of you who haven't finished workbook Q1-4 practice yet, please do so before next class. We are going to have a exam on Chapter 13 and 14 next Monday, March 19, Day 1.


Monday, March 5, 2012

我们今天学了14课的课文和生词。我们也学了一个新歌,叫《对面的女孩儿看过来〉〉。这是link .
今天的作业:dictation 9-13.  Workbook Q1 and Q2.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

我们今天reviewed all the songs we learned. 你们唱得很好。我们也学了14课的生词和课文。你们的作业是:create a Birthday Invitation Card. Be creative in the format and decorations, but I need the following points (5 Ws) to be included:
1. What 什么
2。When  什么时候?
3。 Who  谁
4。 Why 为什么
5。 Where? 在哪儿?


Friday, February 3, 2012

你们今天的presentation做得很好。没做的学生请快点儿做完。我们的听写是: 6-11。 还有,很多学生没有交 Q1 and Q2 作业的请做完。


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

我们学了13课。 There are a lot of new and interesting vocabularies in this lesson, so we are going to be project: 你要画一个人,或者用ppt slide to create a set of images. 你要用很多的颜色,as many as possible; 她(他)要穿很多的衣服, or wear 很多的 accessories. 你要mark it up with Chinese characters for each item you puts on. We shall count them and see which one the Best Dressed Award.

这是“小白兔乖乖” link

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

我们一月20号有考试,你们要review12课。24号我们开party to celebrate 中国新年!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

我们今天学了一个新的歌,叫 “ 龙的传人”。这是 link.  请你们多听几遍。今天的作业是: Textbook, page 196,  12-8. 还有听写: 16-21.


Monday, January 9, 2012

我们今天复习( fu xi= review)了第12课. 你们今天的作业是:  Workbook Q 3 and Q 4. Dictation words are:  11-15。 到,手排挡,开,应该,问题。

Thursday, January 5, 2012

我们今天学了12课 的语法:the Optative Verb. 你们的下次的听写是:vocab 6-10. Also, Workbook Q1&Q2 .


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

今天我们学了12课。We read the text and went over the vocabulary lists. For next class, we are going to dictate you for vocab 1-5 on page 188. You are also required to call my google voice mail at 315-400-1674 to record a reading of the Text in Use on page 190.
