Monday, February 28, 2011

今天我们学了13课的生词。你们要复习这些生词。我们也学习了“爱我你就亲亲我.". 这是这个歌的link. 你们要多多练习。


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We have 3 students took the quiz for lesson 12 today. Those who did not take it today will take it on Thursday. Be prepared ; )

Friday, February 11, 2011

今天我们一起做了Situation 1, Situation 3和12-8的练习. 今天的作业: review Lesson 12.

Note: Please turn in all your homework for lesson 12 in your workbook if you have not done yet. We will have a quiz next Thursday.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

今天我们复习(fu xi= review)了12课。 我们做了 Page 194 上的 练习12-4, 12-6 和 197 页的12-9 的Situation 2。

作业:写两了scripts;一个 for Situation 1, 一个for Situation 3. You need to create  logical conversation by using all the key phrases and sentence patterns.


Monday, February 7, 2011

我们今天讲了"从 p1 坐n 去/到 p2 + V " 和 "多V" , 我们还做了p194 12-2的练习.
今天的功课: prepare for the dictation (word 21-25). p196 12-8 if you have not done it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

我们今天学了p192的语法, 做了p195 12-6 12-7 的练习。
功课: p196 12-8, and prepare for the dictation (word 16-20) on next Monday.

我们星期四有聚会(party), bring your stuff with you. 新年好! (Happy New Year!)