Friday, January 28, 2011

我们今天听写了生词(6-10), 复习(review)了所有(all) 生词(p188-189), 我们还读了课文, 明白了课文的意思 (we read the text and made the meaning clear).

今天的功课: Prepare for the next dictation (word : 11-15), Preview the table on p192. Write down some sentences by using the words  if you want.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

我们学习了12 课的课文。你们要listen to the vocabulary 和课文 five times. The following words are for dictation:接,妹妹,玩,飞机。You should also know the right tones as well.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today we did Lesson 11. Please continue to review them. 作业是: Workbook, Lesson 11, Q1 and Q2. Please also do a ppt for the supplementary vocabulary list that you are assigned to cover.

zai jian!


Monday, January 3, 2011

今天我们学了11课。你们要复习(fuxi= review)生词和课文(kewen= text)。 你们要听五遍课文on Chinese Link website. I will ask you questions on next class.

